DM NO. 328, s. 2020 – Addendum-Corrigendum to DM No. 278, s. 2020 Entitled Future Retirees’ and PWDs’ Virtual Orientation, Pneumococcal Vaccination and Distribution of Health Kits
DM NO. 326, s. 2020 – Webinar Series, Capability Building for ASATIDZ for Blended Learning, Contextualization of Alive Modules and Technical Assistance
DM NO. 325, s. 2020 – Conduct of Virtual Symposia on the 157th Birth Anniversary of Gat Andres Bonifacio and the 124th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Dr. Jose P. Rizal
DM NO. 321, s. 2020 – Addendum-Corrigendum to DM No. 304, s. 2020, Re-Orientation on Oplan Kalusugan sa Department of Education (OK sa DepEd) Health Programs for S.Y. 2020-2021